You will need :

 1 tablespoon rice bran or olive oil

4 eggs

1 cup crab meat

½ cup cream

1 onion, chopped

½ bunch fresh coriander, chopped  (can use dried)

salt and pepper

Method :

 In a pan, on the cooking rack over the coals, saute the onion in oil until translucent, then remove the pan from heat and the onions from pan. When pan has cooled, line with baking paper.
In a bowl, whisk eggs with cream, season and pour into the lined pan.
Return to a lower heat.
Mix crab, onion and coriander.  When egg mix is almost set, add the crab mix to one half of the omelette.  Lift baking paper at other side and fold omelette over crab.  Continue to cook until crab is hot, turning the omelette if necessary.  That’s easy with the baking paper.  Serve.
