

You will need :

 2 cups SR flour

½ teaspoon salt

50g butter, chopped

1 cup milk

6 sticks,  at least 1cm across, 40cm long

Extra butter and golden syrup or honey for servin

Method :

 Mix flour and salt in a bowl, rub in butter, add milk and mix to a firm dough with a knife. Divide the dough into 6 pieces.  Mould each over the top and around a stick, making sure there are no gaps. 

Hold the sticks over the fire (or place on a rack above the fire) for about 15 minutes, turning often.

Remove the cooked damper from the stick and allow to cool till warm to touch.  Put a knob of butter into the hole and then some golden syrup.  Enjoy.  Kids love this.




PS  By using a broom sized stick, you can make a hole big enough for a saveloy and sauce, ie, a doggie.